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Louisiana Community and Technical Colleges Response to HCR 69


Updated on 12/5/2023

I. Institutional/Student Profile
Admissions Standards
Number Students Admitted
Percent of Students of Students Admitted
Number of Residents
Number of Non-resident
Average ACT Score
Cost of Attendance (tuition/fees)
Average Student Loan Amount
Percent on Financial Aid
Average Financial Aid Award
Campus Crime Statistics
College Navigator – River Parishes Community College
II. Student/Faculty Engagement
Percent of developmental classes taught by full-time faculty 73%
Average teaching load by discipline

Arts & Humanities: 3.2

Biology, Chemistry and Physical Science: 6.4

Business and computer science: 3.0

Health Sciences: 5.8

Instrumentation & Electrical: 3.7

Math: 4.8

Nursing: 4.3

Process Technology: 4.4

Construction & Skills Craft: 5.7

Social & Behavioral Science: 3.7

Average credit hours taught per FTE faculty

AC & Refrigeration: 14

Business Office Admin: 11

Drafting and Design : 12

General Studies: 10

Industrial Instrumentation: 13

Industrial Maintenance: 11

Louisiana Transfer: 10

Medical  Assistant: 12

Medical Coding Spec/Healthcare Access: 9

Practical Nursing: 15

Process Technician: 11

System admin, Cloud Computing: 12

Teaching Grade(1-5): 11

Number of type of general education courses required degree programs Click here for Catalog
Transfer criteria Open admissions policy
Process for evaluating program effectiveness RPCC Assessment Handbook 
Explanation of student outcomes for each program RPCC Assessment Handbook 
Satisfactory academic progress definition Satisfactory academic progress is defined as having a 2.00 cumulative grade-point average and completion of 67% of all courses attempted. Additionally, a student cannot have attempted more than 150% of the hours needed to complete a regular degree program as defined by the college.
Percent of full-time faculty who possess the highest degree possible in their given fields


III. Academic Achievement
Freshman to Sophomore Retention (Same as first to Second year retention rates, TCs should use Fall to Spring retention rates) 64%
Graduation Rates (Use IPEDS GRAD Rates)

100% of Normal time to complete: 9% (Entering cohort Fall 2018)

150% of Normal time to complete: 30% (Entering cohort Fall 2018)

200% of the Normal Time to Complete: 35% (Entering cohort Fall 2018)

Percent of Students taking Remedial Courses 11% (Spring 2023)
Average Time to Degree

First-time Freshman: 3.4 Years

Transfer Student: 8 years

Average Scores on outcome assessments (grad school admissions tests, licensure exams) Currently unavailable
Admission Rates into Grad programs NA
Job placement rates by discipline Currently unavailable
IV. Institutional Efficiency/Fiscal Conditions
Percent of budget spent on:
Instruction 31%
Public Service 0%
Academic Support** 10%
Student Services 15%
Institutional Services 17%
Scholarships/Fellowships 0%
Plant Operations/Maintenance 12%
Athletics 0.0%
Ratio of administrative staff to total staff 79 administratie staff/ 204 total staff
Classroom and Lab space utilization BOR Facilities Report
General fund appropriations per in-state full-time equivalent student $2,907
Total Expenditures per full-time equivalent student $12,184

Take the next step

Accomplish your educational and professional goals. Take the next step and apply to join the River Parishes Community College family.

Campus Locations

Gonzales Campus
925 W. Edenborne Parkway
Gonzales, LA. 70737

Reserve Campus
181 Regala Park Road
Reserve, LA. 70084

St. Charles Campus
13145 HWY 90
Boutte, LA. 70039

Westside Campus
25250 Tenant Road
Plaquemine, LA. 70764

Donaldsonville High School
Westbank Workforce Training Center
100 Tiger Drive
Donaldsonville, LA. 70346


River Parishes Community College is committed to collaboration, accountability, respect,
excellence, and sustainability.

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