Our Business Office houses Finance and Administration, which is composed of functional departments reporting to the Vice-Chancellor of Finance and Administration.
The purpose of the Business Office is to provide the College community with a service-oriented operation that facilitates the maintenance of financial and human resources records, the acquisition of goods and services, the upkeep of the facilities, the receipt and payment of obligations, and the adherence to institutional business policies.
Finance, Purchasing, Bursar, & Restricted Funds
Finance: Provides leadership and direction for the College and the Community.
Purchasing: Ensures that the procurement process is transparent, efficient, and compliant with state and institutional policies.
Office of the Bursar: Serves our students, faculty, and staff effectively and efficiently. Responsible for student accounts including fee assessment, billing, student refunds, payment plans, collections, and receivables.
Restricted Funds: Provides help to faculty and staff with managing grant funds.
The Facilities Office is one of several departments that report to the Vice-Chancellor of Finance & Administration. Facilities provide support for cleaning and maintenance along with the use and rental of space.
Human Resources
Human Resources is one of several departments that report to the Vice Chancellor of Finance and Administration. Whether looking for a career opportunity here at RPCC or seeking assistance from Human Resources as a current faculty or staff member, we are here to help.
Information Technology
The IT Department at RPCC provides comprehensive IT support for our four campuses. Staff, faculty and students are our customers, and we consider customer satisfaction job number one. We provide services with HelpDesk, Network Admin, Backup/Disaster Recovery, and more!
Take the next step
Accomplish your educational and professional goals. Take the next step and apply to join the River Parishes Community College family.
Campus Locations
Gonzales Campus
925 W. Edenborne Parkway
Gonzales, LA. 70737
Reserve Campus
181 Regala Park Road
Reserve, LA. 70084
St. Charles Campus
13145 HWY 90
Boutte, LA. 70039
Westside Campus
25250 Tenant Road
Plaquemine, LA. 70764
Donaldsonville High School
Westbank Workforce Training Center
100 Tiger Drive
Donaldsonville, LA. 70346
River Parishes Community College is committed to collaboration, accountability, respect,
excellence, and sustainability.
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