Gonzales, LA - River Parishes Community College (RPCC) will host Grad Fest for students and two job fairs on March 9th for the community. The first job fair is at Reserve from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. and the second job fair will be held at the Gonzales campus from 4 p.m. until 6:30 p.m.
Grad Fest is an opportunity for graduating students ONLY to order their cap and gown, take senior portraits, and more. Grad Fest will be taking place at Reserve from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. and at Gonzales from 4 p.m. until 7 p.m. After grad fest, students have the opportunity to go meet with employers to see what jobs are available after graduation.
The job fair will consist of over 40 plus employers and is the perfect opportunity for you to network, meet with employers and get to know what opportunities RPCC offers. Unlike Grad Fest, the job fair events are open to RPCC students, alumni, and the communities. All you have to bring are extra copies of your resume.
“We are looking forward to hosting this career fair at our campus for our students and community. The opportunity to bring the business industry together for our community and to learn more about what our area can offer them in terms of employment is invaluable,” said Reserve Campus Director, Ariel Triggs.
The Reserve Campus is located at 181 Regala Park Rd Reserve, LA 70084 and the Gonzales Campus is located at 925 West Edenborne Parkway Gonzales, La. 70737.
If you plan to attend the Reserve job fair, register with https://rpccjobfairreservecampus.eventbrite.com/. If you plan to attend the Gonzales job fair, register at https://rpccjobfairgonzalescampus.eventbrite.com.
For students who want to attend Grad Fest, they should reach out to Student Engagement Coordinator, Shalither Cushenberry at [email protected].
"The job fairs are a free event and are open to the public! We will have employers from plants, hospitals, and local businesses. If you are looking for a job or know someone who is looking for a job, please come out," said RPCC’s Executive Director of Workforce Solutions, Cherri Wells.
If you have questions or need more information, please reach out to [email protected] or call (225) 687-5500.