Registrar's Office

Applying For Graduation

Students should apply for graduation according to the schedule below, ideally during the recommended application period. Applying early allows the Office of Student Services to verify remaining degree requirements before or during registration for the final semester.

Anticipated Graduation Semester Recommended Application Period Application Deadline*
December (Fall term) September 1 - October 15 October 15

May (Spring term)

February 1 - March 15

March 15

July (Summer term) April 1 – July 15 July 15

*Students who apply after the deadline may not be included in the spring commencement program. Commencement ceremonies are only held at the end of the spring term, not in summer or fall.

How to Submit your Graduation Application:

  1. Go to our website at and select LoLA under Quick Links (upper right-hand corner)
  2. Log in to your LoLA account
  3. Select Academic Profile (Located in Academic Links Block)
  4. Select Apply for Graduation (Menu on the left side of your profile)
  5. Select Submit
  6. Select Program that you are applying to graduate
  7. Select Continue
  8. Select the Graduation Date that you are applying to graduate
  9. Indicate if you will be attending the ceremony?
  10. Select Continue
  11. If additional pages display continue to fill out the application until you get to the Graduation Application Summary
  12. Select Submit Request on the Application Summary Page
  13. Your application has been submitted and you will be hearing from the college via email.

FAQ's about Online Graduation Application

Take the next step

Accomplish your educational and professional goals. Take the next step and apply to join the River Parishes Community College family.

Campus Locations

Gonzales Campus
925 W. Edenborne Parkway
Gonzales, LA. 70737

Reserve Campus
181 Regala Park Road
Reserve, LA. 70084

St. Charles Campus
13145 HWY 90
Boutte, LA. 70039

Westside Campus
25250 Tenant Road
Plaquemine, LA. 70764

Donaldsonville High School
Westbank Workforce Training Center
100 Tiger Drive
Donaldsonville, LA. 70346


River Parishes Community College is committed to collaboration, accountability, respect & inclusion,
excellence, and sustainability.

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