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Testing Center



The River Parishes Community College Testing Center offers opportunities for current and prospective students, community members, and business affiliates throughout the region to complete standardized exams and proctored tests in an environment conducive to testing and designed to be secure, professional, and distraction free. Our testing center is conveniently located at our Gonzales campus, but we may also provide testing at our other campuses throughout the River Region. Please call (225)-743-8767 or (225)-743-8771 or email us at [email protected] for an update our test offerings.

Interested in partnering with Testing Services to provide testing solutions? Please call (225) 743-8767 or (225)-743-8771 or email us at [email protected].


The Testing Center is not responsible for creating tests and assessments, but for administering tests. These shall be administered according to the rules of the test creator as communicated to the Testing Center & Assessment Center. These rules include (but are not limited to): persons authorized to take a given test, the time frame in which the test may be given, tire time limit of the test, any aids authorized the examinee, and the disposition of the test. The Testing Center is not authorized to alter the conditions of any examination.

There will be no refund of registration fees for any reason. If RPCC cancels, you will have up to 30 days to sign up for a new testing date. After 30 days, you forfeit your testing fees. Examinees have 24 hours in advance to reschedule their exam, or you will forfeit your registration fee and will have to repay to reschedule the exam.

What to Know Before Arriving?

  • Arrive on time! Failure to arrive on-time for your scheduled tests, frequently impacts examinees who are scheduled for later times and sometimes limits the time available to complete the examination. Because of limited seating, after 15 minutes, it will be assumed that you are a "no show," and your seat may be given away. After being 15 minutes late, my appointment will be marked as a no-show, and I will have to reschedule for another time at your cost.
  • Examinee I.D.'s will be checked upon arrival. Examinees must present a current, Valid form of identification that includes the test taker's name, signature (on required I.D.'s), and a recognizable photograph. In addition, the examinee MUST present a PHYSICAL valid photo I.D. to check in and test (No images or pictures). Outdated or expired identification will not be accepted. Acceptable forms of photo identification include current and valid:
    • Driver's license
    • State-approved or federal I.D.
    • Military ID
    • Passport
    • Bring appropriate email confirmation receipts or other documents.
  • Take care of personal needs before starting an exam. Once an examinee has started an exam, they may not leave the Testing Center except in case of an extreme emergency. An examinee who leaves the designated proctored environment will forfeit the remainder of their allotted time for testing. No one is allowed to accompany a student into the Testing Center, including, but not limited to, a parent, significant other, roommate, or child. The only exceptions to this rule are those persons approved by the Student Disability Resource Center to provide appropriate accommodations.
  • Student PCAs (Patient Care Assistants) are not allowed to bring anything that could compromise test security inside the testing labs (cell phones, bags, and purses). Lockers will be assigned to the PCA, and they will also sign a confidentiality form that will be kept on file. PCAs can remain with the student but are NOT authorized to see the test or act as readers/scribes.
  • The Testing Center is a quiet, secure area. Please be respectful of other testers. If you need assistance, raise your hand, and a staff member will assist you as soon as possible. Otherwise, remain silent while testing. Read (or listen to) directions carefully, then follow them.

Examinees must turn in all materials used during the exam, including scratch paper.

Personal belongings are not allowed in the testing lab and must be stored in a secured locker. Locker space is limited; please plan accordingly. Unauthorized items are not permitted in the testing lab. Unauthorized items include but are not limited to:

  • Electronic devices: cell phones, smartwatches, digital watches, earphones, etc.
  • Caps, hats, or hoods
  • Weapons
  • Backpacks, purses, or bags
  • Paper, notes, books, dictionaries, study materials (unless approved)
  • Food, drinks, candy, gum, vape pens, or tobacco products

Proctors, including video monitoring, will continuously monitor examinees. Any violation of the policies, including prohibited behavior and the use of unauthorized items, will cause an automatic dismissal and will be reported.

Prohibited behavior includes talking, looking around, making excessive noise, being inconsiderate of others; avoid behavior that could be distracting to others:

  • Looking at another person's test or answers.
  • Discussing or sharing test questions, answers, or test form identification numbers at any time, including during test administration, during breaks, or after the test.
  • Attempting to photograph, copy, or memorize test-related information or remove test materials, including questions or answers, from the test room in any way or at any time.
  • Give or receive unauthorized assistance of any kind
  • Use any aids (including books, notes, calculators, computers and websites) that are not authorized in writing by the instructor
  • Attempt to take an examination for someone else
  • Cause any kind of disturbance in the Testing Center
  • Remove or attempt to remove questions, responses, notes or scratch paper from the Testing Center
  • Tamper with the operation of the testing computer, or attempt to use it for any function other than taking the exam
  • Talk in the testing area

Take the next step

Accomplish your educational and professional goals. Take the next step and apply to join the River Parishes Community College family.

Campus Locations

Gonzales Campus
925 W. Edenborne Parkway
Gonzales, LA. 70737

Reserve Campus
181 Regala Park Road
Reserve, LA. 70084

St. Charles Campus
13145 HWY 90
Boutte, LA. 70039

Westside Campus
25250 Tenant Road
Plaquemine, LA. 70764

Donaldsonville High School
Westbank Workforce Training Center
100 Tiger Drive
Donaldsonville, LA. 70346


River Parishes Community College is committed to collaboration, accountability, respect,
excellence, and sustainability.

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