The River Parishes Community College Testing Center offers opportunities for current and prospective students, community members, and business affiliates throughout the region to complete standardized exams and proctored tests in an environment conducive to testing and designed to be secure, professional, and distraction free. Our testing center is conveniently located at our Gonzales campus, but we may also provide testing at our other campuses throughout the River Region. Please call (225)-743-8767 or (225)-743-8771 or email us at [email protected] for an update our test offerings.
Interested in partnering with Testing Services to provide testing solutions? Please call (225) 743-8767 or (225)-743-8771 or email us at [email protected].
RPCC offers the Accuplacer exam as our official placement test. The purpose of this test is to measure an individual’s current skill level in reading, writing, and mathematics so that appropriate placement in these subject areas can be determined. ACT and SAT scores are also accepted.
Unless you are enrolling in a program that requires an Accuplacer reading score (i.e. practical nursing) you only need to select the Math and Writing from the drop down menu when choosing an exam. If you are unable to locate a testing time, please send an email to [email protected] or call 225-743-8767.
Who needs to take a placement test?
All students who want to take college-level English or math courses need to take the Accuplacer, (IN THE FALL 2021 SEMESTER OR AFTER) that has never taken a placement test or whose test scores are more than 3 years old. Acceptable placement tests are ACT, SAT, Accuplacer.
Accuplacer Testing Sessions are offered at all campuses based on the testing schedule.
The Accuplacer exam is available for remote testing via Examity if you would like to test remotely.
In Person Accuplacer Placement Testing
The Accuplacer exam is available in person if you would like to test in the Testing Center. All testers are required to make an appointment. If you walk in without an appointment, you will be instructed to schedule one at a computer station or through your mobile device. We have limited availability, so it is highly recommended that you schedule early.
Remote Accuplacer Placement Testing
The Accuplacer exam is available for remote testing via Examity if you would like to test remotely.
Step 1: Complete your registration at https://www2.registerblast.com/rpcc/Exam/List
Step 2: Once you have completed your RPCC registration, email the RPCC Testing Center at [email protected]. RPCC will review your registration.
*Please allow RPCC two business days to process your registration
Step 3: Once RPCC approves your request, you will receive an email from ACCUPLACER with your voucher code. This voucher code will allow you to schedule and take your exam.
Step 4: Click the Examity link in the email, which will bring you to the Examity registration page. Enter your first name, last name, email address, and phone number. Then, create a password, and click register.
Step 5: Once you’ve registered, you will receive a welcome email with a link to activate your account. You will be brought to the login page when you click the link. Enter your email address and password, and click “Login.” This must be done within 48 hours of receiving the email. If it’s been over 48 hours, you need to click “Forgot Your Password?” to reset your password and log in. Note: Keep your confirmation email for future reference.
Scores: You may access your test scores at the ACCUPLACER Student portal.
Placement Chart for Math and English
* AP score will grant the student a P for the indicated course.
** If a student is placed into an advanced-level course based upon a test score the student must pass with a “C” or better in that course the first time taking it to receive credit for the bypassed (pre-requisite) course. If the student does not earn a “C” or better in the advanced-level course during the first attempt, the student must take and pass the bypassed course with a grade of “C” or higher to enroll in the advanced-level course again. Credit for bypassed courses will be recorded as a grade of “P” and will be applied toward graduation but will not be considered in computing the overall grade point average. (From page 17, “Bypassed Credit,” in RPCC General Catalog & Student Handbook 2022-2023)
How Long Does the Test Take?
Because the test is not timed, the total time needed for testing will vary from student to student. Students completing all three portions of the Accuplacer exam can expect to spend between 1 and 3 hours on the test.
What do I need to bring to the test?
You will need to show photo identification in order to take the test. Everything needed in the testing room will be provided for you. The test program provides a calculator on the computer screen when appropriate.
What if I require accommodations?
If you have a disability or a temporarily disabling condition that will prevent you from taking the tests under standard conditions, please notify us at the time that you call to make test arrangements. There is no additional charge for these accommodations.
When will I receive my scores?
Results are generally available as soon as the test has been completed.
May I take the test more than once?
Individuals will occasionally request permission to retake all or part of the Accuplacer exam to improve their scores. Permission to retest will be granted only if the student has neither begun nor completed a course at RPCC that is directly related to the subject area in which the student wishes to retest. For example, a student who has begun or completed a math course at RPCC will not be permitted to retake the mathematics portion of Accuplacer.
How can I prepare for the test?
Because this test is designed to measure knowledge and skills developed over a period of years, preparing for the test is not required. However, individuals wanting to refresh their knowledge of subject areas included on the test may find the web sites below helpful.
- Visit https://accuplacerpractice.collegeboard.org
- Create an account
- Choose ACCUPLACER Next Generation Practice Test
- Click Save
For step by step instructions, click here.
RPCC is a state approved testing center for the High School Equivalency Test (HiSET).
How do I check available dates and sign up for the HiSET exam?
Please visit https://hiset.org/ and the Louisiana Community and Technical College (LCTCS) WorkReady-U website more information regarding eligibility and scheduling information.
What is a High School Equivalency (HSE) Credential?
In the US and its territories, adults who left high school before graduation have another way to secure a high school equivalency credential.
What does that mean? It means that, through testing, you can demonstrate you have the same skills and knowledge as a high school graduate. Once you pass the test, your state or jurisdiction will issue you a high school equivalency certificate or high school equivalency diploma.
Who Can Take a High School Equivalency Exam?
High school equivalency (HSE) exams are designed for out-of-school youth and adults without a high school diploma.
Eligibility requirements
- Must be at least 16 years of age
- Must be at least 19 years of age to take the exam without providing any additional documentation
- If you are 16-18 years of age you must provide all the following documentation to be eligible to test:
- Enrollment in and /or authorization by an approved WorkReady U literacy program
- Enrollment in a state-recognized “Option” program within the K-12 system with the required testing authorization
- HiSet Official Practice Test for Educators administered by WRU literacy program or state qualifying scores (Prepared or Well Prepared) on the HiSet Official Practice Test (OPT) for Educators
Residency: You do not have to be a resident of Louisiana to take the HiSET exam.
For questions regarding eligibility requirements, please call 1-225-922-2800
Test Preparation or Instruction
The state of Louisiana requires test preparation or instruction and authorization to test for eligible students 16–18 years of age.
Practice Test
If you are 19 years of age or older, the HiSET Official Practice Test (OPT) to qualify for the HiSET exam is recommended but not required.
If you are 16–18 years of age, the HiSET Official Practice Test (OPT) to qualify for the HiSET exam is required and must be administered by a WorkReady U literacy provider or state-approved designee.
You must achieve qualifying scores (Prepared or Well-Prepared) on the HiSET OPT for Educators.
All applicants must present state and/or government-issued identification on test day at the HiSET test center. Outdated or expired identification will not be accepted. Acceptable forms of identification include:
- driver’s licenses
- valid passports
- military IDs
- other forms of government-issued identification that show name, address, date of birth, signature, and photograph.
What do I need to bring on the day of my test?
You will need to bring:
- Acceptable and valid ID as required by Louisiana. Make sure your name on your ID appears EXACTLY as it does on your profile you created in your HiSET account when you scheduled your HiSET exam.
- Layered clothing that will allow you to adapt to a range of room temperatures.
Please note: Cell phones, smartphones (e.g., BlackBerry® or iPhone® devices, etc.), PDAs, and/or any other electronic, photographic, scanning, recording, or listening devices are not permitted at the test center at all.
How do I know if I’ve passed the HiSET exam?
Each of the five subtests in the HiSET exam is scored on a scale of 1–20. In order to pass you must do all three of the following:
- achieve a score of at least 8 on each of the five individual subtests
- score at least 2 out of 6 on the essay portion of the writing test
- have a total combined score on all five subtests of at least 45.
Scores are available immediately after computer-based testing for Math, Science, Social Studies, and Reading in most cases. Writing scores will post to your account 3-5 business days after testing is completed.
All commercial, residential, and mold remediation contractors are required to be licensed through the Louisiana State Licensing Board for Contractors (LSLBC).
The LSLBC was created in 1956 by Act 233 of the Legislature (La. R.S. 37:2150-2192). The mission and purpose of the LSLBC is the protection of the general public from incompetent and fraudulent acts of a contractor while promoting the integrity of the construction industry.
For information on license types, visit www.lslbc.louisiana.gov.
The WorkKeys Assessment measure foundational skills required for success in the workplace and help measure the workplace skills that can affect job performance. To schedule this exam, please contact the Testing Center at call (225) 743-8767 or email us at [email protected].
- Your photo ID (driver’s license, passport, etc.)
- Your email confirmation receipt from Register Blast – can be on your phone
- Testing fees are non-refundable
- Work Keys Assessments are timed tests
- You need to arrive 15 minutes prior to the exam
Official testing dates and scheduling are available on the Pearson Vue website: https://home.pearsonvue.com/Test-takers.aspx
RPCC recognizes the need to facilitate certification testing for individuals who have completed approved Nurse Aide Training (NAT) programs or have followed other Louisiana Department of Health (LDH) approved alternate routes. This policy outlines our commitment to providing testing services for a diverse range of candidates, including students, third-party program completers, and individuals eligible for alternate routes as determined by LDH.
There will be no refund of registration fees for any reason. If RPCC cancels, you will have up to 30 days to sign up for a new testing date. After 30 days, you forfeit your testing fees. Examinees have 24 hours in advance to reschedule their exam, or you will forfeit your registration fee and will have to repay to reschedule the exam.
What to Know Before Arriving?
- Arrive on time! Failure to arrive on-time for your scheduled tests, frequently impacts examinees who are scheduled for later times and sometimes limits the time available to complete the examination. Because of limited seating, after 15 minutes, it will be assumed that you are a "no show," and your seat may be given away. After being 15 minutes late, my appointment will be marked as a no-show, and I will have to reschedule for another time at your cost.
- Examinee I.D.'s will be checked upon arrival. Examinees must present a current, Valid form of identification that includes the test taker's name, signature (on required I.D.'s), and a recognizable photograph. In addition, the examinee MUST present a PHYSICAL valid photo I.D. to check in and test (No images or pictures). Outdated or expired identification will not be accepted. Acceptable forms of photo identification include current and valid:
- Driver's license
- State-approved or federal I.D.
- Military ID
- Passport
- Bring appropriate email confirmation receipts or other documents.
- Take care of personal needs before starting an exam. Once an examinee has started an exam, they may not leave the Testing Center except in case of an extreme emergency. An examinee who leaves the designated proctored environment will forfeit the remainder of their allotted time for testing. No one is allowed to accompany a student into the Testing Center, including, but not limited to, a parent, significant other, roommate, or child. The only exceptions to this rule are those persons approved by the Student Disability Resource Center to provide appropriate accommodations.
- Student PCAs (Patient Care Assistants) are not allowed to bring anything that could compromise test security inside the testing labs (cell phones, bags, and purses). Lockers will be assigned to the PCA, and they will also sign a confidentiality form that will be kept on file. PCAs can remain with the student but are NOT authorized to see the test or act as readers/scribes.
- The Testing Center is a quiet, secure area. Please be respectful of other testers. If you need assistance, raise your hand, and a staff member will assist you as soon as possible. Otherwise, remain silent while testing. Read (or listen to) directions carefully, then follow them.
Examinees must turn in all materials used during the exam, including scratch paper.
Personal belongings are not allowed in the testing lab and must be stored in a secured locker. Locker space is limited; please plan accordingly. Unauthorized items are not permitted in the testing lab. Unauthorized items include but are not limited to:
- Electronic devices: cell phones, smartwatches, digital watches, earphones, etc.
- Caps, hats, or hoods
- Weapons
- Backpacks, purses, or bags
- Paper, notes, books, dictionaries, study materials (unless approved)
- Food, drinks, candy, gum, vape pens, or tobacco products
Proctors, including video monitoring, will continuously monitor examinees. Any violation of the policies, including prohibited behavior and the use of unauthorized items, will cause an automatic dismissal and will be reported.
Prohibited behavior includes talking, looking around, making excessive noise, being inconsiderate of others; avoid behavior that could be distracting to others:
- Looking at another person's test or answers.
- Discussing or sharing test questions, answers, or test form identification numbers at any time, including during test administration, during breaks, or after the test.
- Attempting to photograph, copy, or memorize test-related information or remove test materials, including questions or answers, from the test room in any way or at any time.
- Give or receive unauthorized assistance of any kind
- Use any aids (including books, notes, calculators, computers and websites) that are not authorized in writing by the instructor
- Attempt to take an examination for someone else
- Cause any kind of disturbance in the Testing Center
- Remove or attempt to remove questions, responses, notes or scratch paper from the Testing Center
- Tamper with the operation of the testing computer, or attempt to use it for any function other than taking the exam
- Talk in the testing area
Take the next step
Accomplish your educational and professional goals. Take the next step and apply to join the River Parishes Community College family.
Campus Locations
Gonzales Campus
925 W. Edenborne Parkway
Gonzales, LA. 70737
Reserve Campus
181 Regala Park Road
Reserve, LA. 70084
St. Charles Campus
13145 HWY 90
Boutte, LA. 70039
Westside Campus
25250 Tenant Road
Plaquemine, LA. 70764
Donaldsonville High School
Westbank Workforce Training Center
100 Tiger Drive
Donaldsonville, LA. 70346
River Parishes Community College is committed to collaboration, accountability, respect,
excellence, and sustainability.
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